Friday, March 13, 2020
Pointing Fingers
Pointing Fingers Recently I was on a chat consisting of published writers. They were bitching. They had been with publishers for years, going back before self-publishing was a serious thing. The books they had with their publishers were no longer selling well, and they wanted their rights back. The conversation turned churlish, and I just hushed. To speak up wouldve meant being turned upon, and while I can handle debate, I sensed a high level of emotional angst. So instead, I just watched and listened. Once upon a time, these authors were thrilled to be published with a traditional press. They collected royalties. They held book signings. They made money. But along came self-publishing with a roar. Many of these authors jumped on board with new books, hungry for the higher returns, no longer wanting the traditional publisher. Now, even self-publishers are hurting. So many people got on board that train that authors on both sides, traditional and indie, struggle for the income they once collected. Its called supply and demand; too many books for the same number of readers, and the new authors settle for less, never having known the higher incomes of those who preceded them. These upset authors bashed the traditional publishers, but of course, the publishers werent in the room. TheĆ complaints were these: 1) The old books are not selling. The royalty checks are small. Therefore, the publisher is doing nothing. 2) The authors asked for their rights back to these books, with the publishers pointing out the books were still under contract, and the publisher wanted to continue selling those books. How selfish of the publisher. 3) The authors werent being heavily promoted 4) They then said, without proof, that the publisher did nothing for authors, at all. Yet I and several others remained quiet. . . those of us who were being promoted. . . but who also fought hard to self-promote. Theyd totally forgotten the joy of landing their contracts, the royalty checks they received when their work was fresh, and the promotion done on their behalf once upon a time. Theyd forgotten being chosen. Instead, the industry changed on them, and they chose to blame it on the publisher. Publishers have been victims in this industry, too. Authors now make less, but those who promote more make more. Those who write more, make more. Publishers took leaps of faith with those authors, and at the time the authors were thrilled. What they never expected was this: being indie means taking full responsibility for your creative and entrepreneurial sides. Not blaming others. Its all on the author now, and a lot of them dont see that yet.
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